Centre For Auto Policy & Research

Influence evolution of sustainable mobility in India.


The objective of CAPR is to proactively support all key stakeholders in government and industry in creating sustainable mobility in India. This will be done through active unbiased advocacy, positive influence and sharing of domain expertise & global best practices. CAPR will use the collective wisdom and experience of its members and partners for the same

Approach to mobility

There are 3 key aspects of India’s mobility journey that CAPR will focus on. This shall also define CAPR’s mission and role. 

Sustainable road mobility

CAPR focuses only on road mobility and all its aspects of safety and emissions. All stakeholders, right from road designers to vehicle service centres and emergency services will be covered. 

Consumers’ perspective

CAPR approaches every issue from the consumer’s perspective. Therefore all CAPR activities, from research to strategy papers will fulfil this aspect. Being relevant to as many types of consumers as possible.

Collective responsibility

CAPR will work towards ensuring a collaborative interface between the government, judiciary, activists, regulators, policymakers, and industry. Without this, no progress can be made. 

Activities for influence and advocacy 

CAPR will undertake 3 types of activities to help the cause and the mission.

Advisory services

CAPR will advise and undertake projects, agendas for partners and clients where a deep understanding of subject and holistic ecosystem inputs are required. Also benchmark with other nations on practices, technologies, and solutions.

Insights and evaluations

CAPR will conduct research - proprietary, primary and secondary. This would not be limited to assessment and evaluation of vehicles but also behavior, services, policies and technologies related to road mobility.

Alliances & partnerships

CAPR will partner with agencies across the globe aligned with the mission of CAP. Alliances and agreements will be with national and international associations / institutions / activists / NGOs / UN groups / commissions etc.

Our Team
Dr. Bhure Lal

Dr. Bhure Lal

Retd. IAS, Former Chairman EPCA
Dr. L. M. Das

Dr. L. M. Das

Retd. Professor IIT Delhi
Dr. Rohit Baluja

Dr. Rohit Baluja

President IRTE
Jai Uppal

Jai Uppal

Former DG -IFGE
Dr. O. P. Mishra

Dr. O. P. Mishra

Joint CP, Delhi
Niranjan Raje

Niranjan Raje

Former Director IOC R&D, EPCA

Dr. Dinesh Bhasin

Former Vice-President, Tata Motors Ltd.

Saurabh M. Saxena

Founder Director – AHODS Technologies (Hydrogen-on-Demand)

Avik Chattopadhyay

Auto Veteran & Brand expert

Dr Suprotim Ganguly


K. K. Gandhi